What to Say and Not to Say during that Critical Salary Discussion

You know that you totally deserve the raise you are asking for; but does your boss think the same way as you do?

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If yes, awesome; if not, frame your words in a way that tells her how fair it is for you to expect a raise. A full corporate session’s pay depends on this conversation, so tread carefully!

Asking for Salary Raise

1. Keep Personal Points Out of the Discussion
Your salary is a function of your professional efficiency, and not how much money you need for your personal needs. Even if you are facing financial trouble, do not make it the grounds for negotiating a raise. Talk professionally about your achievements, the value you bring on the table, the additional responsibilities you have undertaken and the industry standards of paying employees of your caliber.

2. Work First, Ask for a Hike Later
It is never a good idea to ask for an increase in salary before you have already shown good results in any new area of work (with the exception of promotions or a complete change of roles). If instead you guide the conversation around the responsibilities you have already taken and excelled in, you have a much stronger case to get what you want.

3. You are the Best Person to Remember All of Your Accomplishments from the Past
Your boss cannot remember every contribution you have made in the past year. Therefore, if need be, you must have a list of them ready and pour them out in a positive light to create maximum impact during those few minutes of the meeting.

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4. Time it Right
A financially happy company is many times more likely to give you the raise you deserve (or may be more than what you deserve) than a company in somber times. Therefore, in case your company has been going through economic trouble and is engaging in cost cutting, it is just not a good time to raise a concern over your salary.

8 Things to Discuss When Asking Salary Raise

8 Things to Discuss for Asking Salary Raise infographic

5. Research and Evaluate What You Are Worth
You cannot ask for the right amount unless you know what you deserve. You may either end up asking for too much, which may jeopardize your case; else, you may still be settling for too less. A thorough evaluation based on your qualifications and role should put you in a better position to negotiate your salary. Online research can enable you to do the same in an effective way.

6. Avoid Comparing Your Salary with That of Your Co-workers
This one is both negative and unethical. You are ideally not supposed to peep into others’ salaries; and bringing in unhealthy comparisons gives the conversation a negative tone, which should never be part of appraisal meetings.

7. Threatening to Quit is a Bad, Bad Idea
It annoys the boss, and may backfire at you. Don’t give ultimatums. If you do, be prepared to actually walk out in case your demands are not met.

8. Talk About Extras and Not the Basic Work You Are Already Being Paid For
If you say you have done everything your job role demanded, you are just validating yourself for the money you already get. To get extra, you need to be doing extra!

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In the nutshell, work smart, talk smart, and know your numbers (a fair salary figure you feel you should get) in order to get the coveted raise!

Main image courtesy: Tax Credits, Infographic designed by JobCluster Team

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