It is a standard norm for college students to take up part time jobs and earn money. While the reasons could be many, the primary reason behind taking up a job is to earn money.
For majority of the students, and their parents too, catering to the tuition fees is a big ordeal, especially for the middle class families, which form the majority of the populace. However, contrary to the belief that jobs only result in one benefit – earning money, there are many other direct and indirect advantages of doing a job while you are studying in a college.
For most students, pursuing education and building a successful career is a big feat. Even though parents support by contributing the fees, majority of the college goers have to opt for education loans which need to be repaid later on. Moreover, it’s not just the tuition fees which need to be repaid, the student has to cope up with other expenses too – room, boarding, transportation, food expenses, etc. There is a limit to which the parents can provide, and so a remuneration is necessary to satisfy other expenses.
Starting early, and earning a bit of money while working can help to repay the fees early and ease the financial burden.
College life is full of fun and excitement. Besides education, kids like to live their life to the fullest and the coed atmosphere in the universities and colleges further incites youngsters to party and have a good time. There’s nothing wrong in that – it’s the only time when individuals can indulge in fun and frolic with their colleagues. The downside of all the excitement is you need some money, and without liquidity, chances are you would be ignored, since charity is a rarity and always hard to come by.
Earning money on the side can help you raise enough cash so you don’t have to miss the excitement and fun.
Apart from the money, a major benefit that students avail while doing odd jobs is that they start gaining valuable experience which can help them later on to become thorough professionals. You tend to learn about the basics of doing a job – being punctual, putting in enough hours so you get a decent paycheck, get used to working as an employee, and taking instructions from seniors. The experience can go a long way in building your career later on after graduation when you have a degree certificate and you take up a serious job. You can stay ahead of the competition.
Studies carried out involving students who take up employment during their studies and how students perform at academics while doing a job indicates an interesting fact – students who took up employment actually performed better at studies and earned better grades. They scored higher GPAs compared to students who did not take up any forms of employment.
Image Courtesy : Photl.comPosted In: Adult Education, Career Advice, Career Ideas, HR Tips, Job Search
Tagged: advantages of job, advantages of jobs when studying in college, advice for career, Career Advice, good career advice, job when you studying, right career tips, study from college days.