Career Resolutions for 2013

Everybody in their career does make certain resolutions which they want to achieve someday, but most of us do get diverted from the track due to many reasons. Does it mean that you should not make resolutions? Or one should make resolutions only when he/she is not happy at work? What will you do when things are going well? Whatever the case maybe, good or bad situation, you should set work-related goals for yourself. And the New Year is just the right time to do that.

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Let’s have a look at 5 smart career resolutions which can make a difference in your work life.

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New Year Career Resolutions

1. Resume Makeover
A very important task is to keep your resume up-to-date. You never know when you’ll get a call from any recruiter for a better opportunity, so you have to keep your updated resume ready. It is also advisable to periodically update your achievements rather than cluttering everything in at once. Do lookout for new layouts and sample templates of resumes online. Sometimes a resume with a fresh layout attracts recruiters rather than the old fashioned formats. Update information about your references as well. Give your portfolio a slight makeover so that it looks fresh and vibrant and not shabby. Resumes are the first thing the recruiter will get in touch with, so make it count.

2. Networking
Many of us don’t find this necessary but proper networking would not only help you make good contacts but also will improve your skill to interact with people from different backgrounds and organizations. A broad network always is beneficial when you’ll go out looking for new jobs or a job change. It’s not just making contacts within your current organization, which of course should be done, but also making new connections outside so as to broaden the network. You can look out for connections in other organizations or ask your network for introductions.

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Sharing your career plan with your connections can make them understand your requirement.

3. Control Your Professional Life
An employee should be loyal to the organization but not at the cost of personal and professional growth. Don’t let your loyalty suppress your growth. Understand what is going in and around and act wisely to the situation rather than reacting abruptly which may make things worse. Have your personal and professional goals clear in your mind and keep them reviewing from time to time.

4. Improvise
To make yourself efficient and effective, you have to constantly improvise on your current skills and also acquire new skills to compete with others. Have no doubt that there would be many others to take up your job if you’re not up to the mark. Talk to your boss on how to develop skills to improve performance and try to act upon the advice. Keep a track of your progress and share it with your boss so as to keep him updated about it.

5.Take Out Time For Yourself
All the above things will help reach your goals but don’t forget to take out time for yourself. Don’t just give all the importance to career, devote some time to focus on your health, hobbies and personal life. Studies suggest that healthy employees are more productive. Enjoy your life as much as you enjoy your work.

Posted In: Career Advice, Career Ideas, Career News, Resume Tips

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  • Drew Tewell


    Good tips! Relationships are huge when it comes to work (networking). And time for ourselves and enjoying life are also very important.

    Thanks for sharing,

    Drew Tewell