These days we make to do things for everything, we put up post-its for everything we should be doing. Look around, there will be people who would even have post-its that say something like, “Drink Water”, “Smile”, “This too shall pass”, etc. But does inculcating such habits make us happy? Or do we just pretend to be happy? Are there really any habits that set the really exceptionally happy people from the other people? Yes, there are; take a look –
So much of our time and energy goes in blaming other people for things that happen in our life. Your boss didn’t pay attention to your work so you didn’t get a good appraisal, your friend decided his girlfriend was more important that you are so he cancelled the weekend road trip you had planned and now you are stranded alone for the weekend. This happened to you because of her and that happened to you because of him, it never really stops, does it? And do you really feel better after blaming everyone for everything? No, it doesn’t really. Stop blaming, start taking responsibility. Let the reigns of your life be in your hands and not in anybody else’s. You are the one responsible for anything and everything that happens to you in your life. Period.
If you have a problem with someone, get up, go to that person and tell them. Try understanding things from that person’s perspective first, try keeping yourself in his position and in his shoes and understand if things could have been different. Get as much information about the situation as you can. Then if you feel there is still a problem go to them and say it politely. If it still bothers you, try being a little firm. This is still much better than back biting and talking behind the back about someone. Talk to people, not about people. You wouldn’t like somebody talking behind your back either. What goes around, comes around!
It is good to multitask a lot of the times. It helps to get done a lot of things that need your attention simultaneously. However, you cannot always multitask everything. There will be times when you have things that need your undivided attention. At such times, prioritize what should come first and what should go next. Then do the first things first. Sometimes, it is good to take things a little slowly and bite only as much as you can chew. Better do less, in a perfect manner than try doing a thousand things and end up doing a shoddy job at all of it.
You like talking, you like to be heard, you want people to know what you think, and you want them to pay attention. But did you ever think that they might want the same things. They would also want to be heard, they would also want to express themselves. And this doesn’t happen when you keep on interrupting them every time they try saying something to you. Speaking is something anybody can do, but the real art is the art of listening. When you listen, you make the other person feel important, and well, you might even end up learning a thing or two; no harm in it, you see.
They say, those who matter will understand, and those who don’t matter, well what they think just doesn’t matter. The next time you spend time brooding and sulking and cribbing about what something or somebody did to you, take a step back and think. Think and analyze if that person or thing is really important in your life and if it matters in your life. If it doesn’t, then why waste your energy over it? Is that thing or person so important to you that you would let it ruin your mood?
When you go to sleep, as you lie in your bed, think. Think how you think. Are your thoughts something like – Nobody pays attention to me. Nobody cares whether I live or die. I am just good for nothing. If only my friends would notice me. If only my boss would listen to my ideas. If only I could have that car… or are your thoughts like – I have had a brilliant day today. I am doing a great job at work. I am prepared for tomorrow. I must buy a gift for my friend as it is his birthday tomorrow. I am going to go for a vacation soon…If you have the first type of thoughts, rest assured, happiness is something that will never ever even think of coming towards you. On the contrary, if your thoughts are of the second type, you are a happy person, an exceptionally happy person.
A lot of us hold our past responsible for a lot of our actions and behaviors today. How many of us continue to be victims and prisoners of our past and keep blaming it? It is time to grow up and let bygones be bygones. Today is a new day, a new beginning. Leave your past behind and be the master of your destiny. Your past is dead, bury and let it be in peace. Your present is all you have, make the most of it, don’t let anything or anybody cast a shadow over it.
Have you ever said yes when you meant to say no or said a no when you meant to say yes. That guy you wanted to go out with it and he comes and asks you out and you chicken out thinking it will not work or what your friends will think and said no and then spent the rest of your life regretting it. You didn’t want to stay back late and do that presentation because you really had somewhere else to be, you had made plans; but you just couldn’t say no the way your boss said it, and ended up saying yes and then regretting it. Let a yes be a yes and a no mean a no. Nobody is going to dig deeper into your head and try figuring out what you actually meant and whether your yes actually meant a no, or your no actually meant a yes. So leave no regrets behind, and let a yes be a yes and a no be a no. If a question is asked, it is your prerogative to answer – be it a yes or a no! Let nobody dictate your choices to you.
We live just once. Now it is up to us whether we want to live it being exceptionally happy or spend all of it sulking, crying, depressed and making it full of regrets. Let there be no room for regrets, lets’ just be exceptionally happy and make the world a happy place to live in!
Infographic Originally Post by: Happify
Posted In: Career Advice, HR Tips, Positive Psychology, Tips for Employer, Tips for Jobseeker
Tagged: be happy, being happy always, daily habits, good habits for being happy, happy people, how to be happy, Thinks to do.