Part-time jobs can be a great opportunity to earn while you learn. According to students do rely on the part-time jobs to manage their University lives. About 52% of the students in the UK use the money earned from the part-time jobs for paying their study and living costs. A survey claims that half of the students who work while studying are able to earn £6,000 a year in the UK.
Apart from the financial benefits, part-time jobs do offer the prospect to gain some real work-life experiences to the students. They get to deal with the customers, work in an office-like environment and learn how things are actually done there. They get a chance to observe how their supervisors and managers work and learn those leadership skills from them. They can learn how to manage and utilize their time wisely by switching evenly between work and studies. They get a chance to take up responsibilities, work hard, and network with people of the relevant field. Part-time jobs indeed open up the doors of profitable experiences for the students.
Here are 10 most popular part time jobs for students that you can consider to earn some cash while studying:
Looking for a way to earn money and gain some work experience in a typical office environment? Then, administration jobs can be a good opportunity for you. All you need to have is some organization skills, knowledge of Microsoft office, and a spirit to learn. Many organizations offer part-time jobs to the students as temporary workers along with admin jobs such as customer service, sales, and office jobs. The average salary of an admin in the UK is found be around £9 per hour.
Tutoring is a great way to utilize your knowledge and skills while studying in the college. Students can teach any particular subject, language, or skills in which they excel. They can look for tutoring jobs within the University also and help their juniors. Teaching jobs give you an opportunity to communicate and enhance your teaching skills if you are looking forward to making it your full-time career. Also, tutoring jobs are quite flexible when it comes to timings.
Many UK universities offer a variety of part-time jobs to students. Students can find part-time jobs in their campus area at the coffee shops, cafes, gyms, gift shops, or even at events happening at the university. Students can also work at the university library which can provide them with some basic office knowledge and customer service skills which can benefit them in the future. So, just keep looking at the University website or the notice boards to find a job of your interest. Although there can be a high competition for the university jobs as they are quite easier to manage along with studies. Thus, go for a job in which you have a genuine interest so that the experience can benefit you even after the university.
Taking jobs at various events and festivals happening in the city can be a great way to enhance your communication and customer service skills. You can go for catering jobs, organizing jobs, event planning, or cleaning jobs. One thing to know about these jobs is that they require people with enthusiasm who can present themselves well and communicate with the guests. The wages paid for such jobs may vary according to the position but on an average one may get up to £12 per hour.
Do you love the art galleries? Can you work at theme parks and other tourist attractions in your city? Students in the UK often work at the tourist attractions of the city in their ticket counters, shops, restaurants, and stalls. This can be an easy way to earn money and get the experience of working in a vibrant and lively city of UK. Students may also get free tickets or some other concessions while working at these places.
Students who have brilliant communication skills and a sociable personality can look up to the part-time jobs offered at various hotels, clubs, restaurants, and cafes of their city. You might to deal with the customers, take bills, serve food, or do the cleaning. Another benefit of these jobs apart from good wages is that students get many concessions on food and drinks; they get to attend the amazing events, and can even enjoy the ambience of the fancy restaurants.
Aspiring writers can show their talent and gain some work experience as a writer and content creator through part-time writing jobs. Students can work as freelancers, or they can become a student blogger, show off their writing skills and earn money. This not only provides a good experience to add to the CV but teaches them the real skills of time management and writing. Apart from writing students can take up jobs such as editors, copywriters, proofreaders, and researchers even.
You will be surprised to know but construction based jobs are one of the highest paying part-time jobs for the students in the UK. Students can take up different jobs such as bricklaying, painting, roofing, and decorating on average wages of about £13.6 per hour in the construction field.
Students pursuing degrees in business and management can look up for some part-time jobs in marketing and add some experience in their CV. Students can work as marketing assistants or take up some part-time office-based jobs in the marketing field. They can also work as a freelancer. Marketing jobs are also one of the highest paying jobs for students with wages of about £11.5 per hour.
Are you a math geek? Part-time jobs in accountancy pay wages as high as £12 per hour. So if you are someone who loves math, accounting, or finance you can take up jobs like accounts assistant, an administration clerk, and bookkeeper or teach someone your exceptional math and accounting skills.
Aditya Singhal is the co-founder of GoDissertationHelp, a leading international online education portal. Imparting dissertation help, apart from being a business, is also a passion for Aditya. He is avidly indulged in helping students develop their skills and counsels them for their career aspirations.
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