
10 Corporate Rules for a Happy Life- Infographic

Corporate life is anything but easy. The deadlines, the long work hours, the constant pressure to be more efficient than the others and the expectation to keep growing at an insane pace can take a toll on anyone. With all these harsh parameters already in place, you certainly do not want to add additional complications to your life. If you want your personal life happy, you should follow corporate etiquette rules and make sure your personal and professional life is as different as a day and night.

10 Golden Corporate Rules for Happy Life

So follow these top 10 corporate etiquette rules to keep your personal life happy in the crazy corporate world.

Quick Nevigation
1. Trust but do not Take Everything for Granted Easily
2. Keep a Fair Separation between Home and Office
3. Be Punctual – Both in Arriving and in Leaving
4. Keep Your Professional Relations Strictly Professional
5. Do not Enter the Workspace with Expectation from Co-workers
6. Do not Judge Yourself by How Quickly You Get Promoted
7. Do not Magnify the Importance of Office in Your Life
8. Do not let Office Matters Affect Your Self Esteem
9. Stop Paying too Much Attention to How People Treat You
10. Know in Your Mind that none of it Matters in the End

1. Trust but do not Take Everything for Granted Easily

To trust in corporate is an expensive bet. It is a place where people are to make as much money as they can and to reach the top of the ladder as quickly as they can. In such a situation, if you trust too much too soon and then the person backstabs you, the fault is as much yours as it is of the person who deceived you to serve their own interests.

2. Keep a Fair Separation between Home and Office

Sharing too much with your colleagues about your domestic life won’t do you much good. People may eventually start judging you based on things you tell them about your personal life instead of just by how your performance at work is. Likewise, sharing office gossip with your friends or family members may also backfire – therefore, it’s in your best interest to keep the two separate.

3. Be Punctual – Both in Arriving and in Leaving

Coming to office on time every day will build a positive image of you as a well-organized and sincere person. You will be able to start your work in time and attend all your meetings free of stress. At the same time, make sure you also leave work well in time and go back home to enjoy a healthy life outside of work.

4. Keep Your Professional Relations Strictly Professional

When at work, maintain healthy yet sufficiently formal relationships with your colleagues. For networking of a more personal nature, attend meetups, travel, and hangout in the cool places of town. Getting too close to your work companions, romantically or otherwise, will only add complications to your life.

5. Do not Enter the Workspace with Expectation from Co-workers

Remember that we are all there to achieve a certain goal and go back home. We go to work to be smart and not to be nice; and in the corporate setup, every minute counts. So, do not expect anyone at work to stop doing what they are doing to do you any sort of a favor. If someone helps you, accept it gracefully; if they don’t, find your own way around things.

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10 Corporate Rules for Happy Life- Infographic

6. Do not Judge Yourself by How Quickly You Get Promoted

Keep gaining knowledge, skills and a good reputation in the industry. Many a time, a promotion may be a function of a lot of other factors than your performance alone, and may not matter as much in the long run at all. So focus on growth instead of positions.

7. Do not Magnify the Importance of Office in Your Life

Office is a place you go to every day to earn the money that lets you buy a good life. Do not overestimate the importance of everyday office issues – keep them within the workspace and focus on the wholesomeness of the life that lies beyond corporate walls.

8. Do not let Office Matters Affect Your Self Esteem

A bad appraisal, a rude co-worker, negative gossip – these things are ephemeral and should not make a difference to your self-image. If you are having a hard spell at work, find happiness in life outside of the sphere and you will see it reflect in your work performance as well.

9. Stop Paying too Much Attention to How People Treat You

A lot of what they do is their problem and not yours. Does the way they treat you practically affect anything of importance in your life? If yes, try to resolve the issue right away instead of sulking; if not, stop paying any attention at all!

10. Know in Your Mind that none of it Matters in the End

What does matter in life is your family, friends, health and inner peace. Make a way to strengthen these and you will be an incredibly happy person!

Surviving and succeeding in the corporate jungle is an art that we all need to learn, the sooner the better. You will find the above rules handy to maintain your cool and sanity when handling work pressure or when dealing with fiercely competitive or rumor monger colleagues.

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