
Interview Gone Wrong, What to do Next? 6 Lessons to Learn

No matter how well you are prepared for an interview, there can always be something that pushes you deep down a loop. And even if you are poised to give your best the interviewer could be shrewd enough to lead you towards this!

Whatever be the reason, there could be times when leaving the interview room you feel that your dialogue didn’t go well enough. As you walk towards the door, you experience self-doubt creeping in. You feel that may be your posture was wrong, your tone was harsh or your answers were not that satisfactory!

Interview gone wrongImage Courtesy: Pressfoto / Freepik

Though what went wrong could not be corrected, but your interview’s negative experiences can definitely be utilized to help you give better performances in future ones.

Here we discuss how you can mend your bad experiences (in interview) and focus better on improving your interview skills.

1. Learn from a disastrous interview

Job interview
Image courtesy of franky242 at

Prepare a list of mistakes you could have made during an interview. Learn from those slip-ups, and you can do much better next time. Sit calm and figure out what could have gone wrong and how better you can handle such difficult questions in the future.

2. Learn to excuse yourself

Young Lady With Reflection
Image courtesy of adamr at

Learn to forgive your misgivings. After all no one is perfect and excusing yourself after a bad experience will help you to play the interview game better in the future. It’s natural to feel bitter for a while. However since nothing good ever comes from beating about yourself up, let go! Don’t let the feeling linger on or discourage you from reaching out to the world. You have to and you can make things better for yourself. So just accept your blunders and move forward with renewed confidence.

3. Never vent your interview experiences online

Blonde Lady Screaming At Phone
Image courtesy of mikumistock at

Your dismal experience at an interview is not reason enough to vent your feelings online. Don’t open your Facebook account and share your low feelings or anger towards interviewers with the rest of the world. First is, you may never be aware- the interviewers can still be considering you and hence may be slyly inspecting your social media presence - just to check how professional you sound online. Next, other employers that have your resume may also be going through your online profiles.


4. Identify your strengths

Leaf-cutter Ant Carrying Leaf Piece On Tree Log
Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at

Job interviews seem like a crucible to most of us. Many job seekers fail to present themselves correctly in the already taxing situation. However moving forward such bitter experiences themselves pave way to show the job seeker, his or her strengths. Merely reflecting on the comfortable situations during the whole interview process will help to find better strategies for the future interviews.

5. Practice some mock interviews before the real test

Creative Light Bulb Idea Concept Background Design
Image courtesy of chatchai_stocker at

Just as sports persons set up a routine before the real game, enacting few mock interviews can help you to get you into the flow of an interview. Doing so will help you stay much relaxed during the real test.

6. Try and contact your interviewer

Office Worker Talking On The Phone
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Job seekers seldom do this. Yet, it is not very difficult to contact your interviewer after the interview. Most times doing so yields great results! Calling or emailing the interviewer after the great testament is not just a matter of courtesy but the interviewer can at times convey what really went wrong. This way you can be more prepared for your future interview! Be professional while seeking your flaws. The information you get will be very valuable. Always try and move forward in life.

A bad interview experience doesn’t mean you have lost everything. Respond graciously and confidently since you never can foretell the future. Some door is ready and open to welcome you!

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