
LinkedIn Profile vs. Resume- 8 Differences You Should Keep in Mind

For getting hired you should make sure that the both resume and your LinkedIn are promoting your talent & skills, working to grab the best career opportunity for you. Usually a person thinks that the Resume and LinkedIn are same. In few instants it’s sharing a lot in common including focus on attainments, well built summary section, some keywords that reverberate with your targeted audience. 

LinkedIn VS Resume
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You might think that resume is documental version of your LinkedIn profile, so it will result in to copy and paste of details but there are numerous differences between the both. Here 8 key differences between your LinkedIn profile and resume that you should keep in mind while preparing them:-

1. Prepared for discrete motives

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Even though the both contain the same data and details, the LinkedIn profile gives the general overview about your knowledge, skills, work experiences and achievements. Whereas, the motive for preparing resume is getting specific job.

2. All profiles look the same

creative person
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It’s difficult to be unique with your LinkedIn profile as all LinkedIn profiles are same. As you have seen various profile which all seems the same on first look so it’s quite tough to make your profile shine. But you can show your creativity through unique yet professional designs, layouts and wording in your resume.                                                           

3. Length and details

Long Document
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Your Resume is one or two page customized document for particular job profiles. You can’t add any extra information about which can be your personal achievement in your resume. However, Your LinkedIn profile can include extra information such as articles, links, video and presentations.

Further the In resume you can represent only through word documents but in LinkedIn you can use another web tools.


4. Only text, no photography

Profile picture
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Adding photo to your resume is not so good idea now days (Adding photo in resume is not recomended if you are applying to USA, UK, Australia and Canada). But your LinkedIn profile contains your images as its default setting, having photos on your profile can have more professional impact in your recruiter’s eyes. 

5. Bigger story and audience

Awards and certificates
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You can add those things to your LinkedIn profile which are excluded from your resume.(For ex. awards, certificates and other achievements) The details you have cut off from resume you can add here.  As here the big audience is targeted, you should be precise while using raw information. Make sure that you don’t release any personal information of the previous employer.

6. LinkedIn is only one , Resumes can be more

Job Interview
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You can have only one LinkedIn profile, which contains all your information which can be useful for getting good opportunities. The keywords which are used in LinkedIn profile are targeted to various job oriented but the profile is only one.

However the resumes can be more than one for different jobs as it needs specific attention and details for each job.


7. Use of formal language

Traditional language English
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You may have observed that the resumes are too formal and a have specific structure for language, but the LinkedIn is social media. So you can be little informal while posting information through LinkedIn. But make sure that your tone should be professional and appropriate.

8. Third party contribution

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In Resume it’s not usual to provide / attach recommendations of your previous employers or about of work experiences. On contrary you can always ask others to leave comments on your profile.  Further such kind of recommendations always has positive impacts on your profile.

The above are some important differences which can impact on your profile and resume. Further, these small points can make huge impact on your career opportunities.


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